ESKC Minimoto Championship

Race Events
Minimoto racing is a fun affordable form of motorcycle racing, allowing kids and adults to race and learn. We have beginner groups through to expert level racers. Bikes can range from3hp to 17hp, depending on racing category and rider experience. We race on tar circuits, our Championship is based at ESKC, but we are fortunate enough to operate our Scottish Championship across various Scottish circuits. ESKC is hailed as one of the best bike circuits in the UK, with its tight technical tar sections and flowing corners. Scottish Minimoto @ ESKC racing is held monthly from March to November and riders of all abilities are welcome. Ages start from 6 yrs. The season runs March-November. Practice Saturdays, racing Sundays. Please see regulations for full details and rider/machine requirements.
All competitors need a Scottish Minimoto Race Membership and SACU Supermoto competitions license to compete and collect championship points. Please see the regulations for more info. Do not hesitate to contact us for help and advice: